Culture Award to Anders Petersen

Anders Petersen is awarded the Lennart of Petersens Prize and this is what jury member Anna Tellgren says: 

"Anders Petersen is one of the greats in Swedish photography who has influenced generations of younger photographers. It is particularly gratifying to highlight with this award his efforts for Stockholm where he has lived and worked throughout his career alongside his many photographic trips around Sweden and the world.

De övriga pristagarna är Thåström (Bellmanpriset), Agneta Pleijel, Sherihan Cherrie Hersi, Fredrik ”Benke” Rydman, Sirous Namazi och Manne af Klintberg.

The prizes will be presented at City Hall on August 16. Each laureate will then also receive a sum of SEK 100,000. The City of Stockholm awards the prizes every year, except for the Lennart af Petersens Prize and the Cullberg Prize, which is awarded every two years.

The Cultural Administration's mini-documentary about Anders Petersen.

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