The Spring Salon is an annual juried exhibition, open to anyone over 18 to apply.
The Spring Salon runs from mid-February to the end of April and kicks off the art year at Liljevalchs. Each work is for sale and the price, set by the participants themselves, can be found in the exhibition catalog. The first Spring Salon opened in 1921 and is thus the country's oldest unbroken exhibition format, apart from a few years during the emergency period. The Spring Salon has grown into a major public event and a real folk festival where each exhibitor has the unique chance to be seen by an audience of around 100,000 people.
The reason why the Spring Salon is so popular is to be found in the breadth of the exhibition and many different expressions, in the meeting between younger and older participants, between those who have art as their profession and those who exhibit for the very first time. 2025 we welcome you all once again to our large house with thirteen halls, once designed by Carl Bergsten. We hope that as many people as possible will apply with a variety of expressions and stories to share - through art. Last year, 4,974 people applied to the Spring Salon and 96,328 visitors were exposed to the art selected for participation.
There are many reasons to apply to the Spring Salon 2025 and participate in our huge art competition! We have no given theme, all works are welcome. Perhaps it will be you and your work that is selected for the Spring Salon and maybe you will sell your work to a visitor.
A warm welcome with your application!
Ansökan är öppen till 20 oktober 2024 kl. 23.59.
Blankett, svenska (PDF)
Blankett, engelska (PDF)
Blankett, arabiska (PDF)
Tips for applying to the Spring Fair
Rules and information
Anyone who lives or has lived in Sweden for a longer period of time and was born in 2006 or earlier can apply for the Spring Salon 2025. Individuals as well as groups are welcome to apply.
Fr o m måndag 9 september kan du göra en helt digital ansökan. Vi ser gärna att du söker digitalt om du har möjlighet. Digitala ansökningar måste ha laddats upp senast söndag den 20 oktober kl. 23.59.
Årets jury består av konstnärerna Daniel Youssef och Marcia Harvey Isaksson samt curatorn Sandra Weil. Juryordförande är Liljevalchs chef Joanna Sandell Wright.
The application fee is SEK 400 and should be paid to Liljevalchs plusgiro account 310 66-4. Mark the voucher "Vårsalongen Namn Personnummer" or pay directly in the digital application.
Anmälan inklusive fotografier ska skickas in senast söndag 20 oktober (digitalt senast kl 23.59; poststämpel 20 oktober gäller). För att anmälan ska accepteras måste avgiften också vara insatt senast 20 oktober 2024.
Märk kuvertet ”Vårsalongen 2025” och skicka till Liljevalchs, Box 27806, 115 93 Stockholm.
Anmälningsblanketten för Vårsalongen 2025 finns tillgänglig (som PDF) på tre språk: svenska, engelska och arabiska.
Ladda ned blankett på svenska
Ladda ned blankett på engelska
Ladda ned blankett på arabiska
Blanketten kan också beställas från Liljevalchs via vår växel, t. 08-508 31 330.
You can apply with a maximum of 5 entries, including a maximum of 1 film/animation. All works must be for sale. The works may be a maximum of three years old and your chances of being included are increased if the works have not been shown before.Information on price and number of works for sale (if the work is sold in edition) is binding and cannot be changed afterwards. The price must include everything the buyer sees (i.e. including frame and the like) and Liljevalch's commission of 30 percent. The price you quote must be reasonable from an insurance and market point of view.
Du ansöker inte med själva föremålen/verken utan med fotografier av dem. Det ska vara papperskopior i färg som inte överstiger A4-format.
OBS! Pappersansökan kommer att scannas in för att visas digitalt för juryn. Till fotografierna ska bifogas en komplett ifylld anmälningsblankett med din namnteckning. Observera att måtten på verken måste anges, det är viktig information när juryn gör sitt urval.
Så här ska bidragen märkas:
Namn, adress och nummer på bidraget (enligt blanketten, bidrag 1, 2, 3 osv) ska skrivas överst på baksidan av fotografiet. Filmer ska märkas med namn och adress, nummer på bidraget och speltid.
Digital ansökan
Fr o m måndag 9 september kan du göra en helt digital ansökan. Vi ser gärna att du söker digitalt om du har möjlighet. Mer information kommer att finnas på liljevalchs.se i mitten av augusti. Digitala ansökningar måste ha laddats upp senast söndag den 20 oktober kl. 23.59.
Om du söker med ett videoverk ska du skicka in ett usb-minne i något av formaten .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .mov eller ladda upp enligt instruktion i den digitala ansökningen. Ljudverk ska vara i format mp3. De som blir antagna kontaktas för instruktioner om visningsformat. Din film kan komma att visas i ett filmprogram med andra konstnärer. Om du har en installation som inte kan visas i ett program är det viktigt att redan i ansökan bifoga en utförlig beskrivning av hur du vill att verket ska visas.
The photographs will not be returned to the sender, nor will we be able to preserve this material. If your contribution(s) are included in the exhibition, one of the photographs will be printed in the catalog, but will not be preserved. By submitting photographs and an application, you give Liljevalch permission to publish the image(s) in the catalog and on Liljevalch's website without compensation. It also means that you agree to the photograph being offered to the press for free publication in connection with media coverage of the Spring Salon.
If your contribution(s) are included in the exhibition, it also means that you agree that TV elements are made from the exhibition and can be shown without compensation as part of the media coverage of Vårsalongen.
The jury's decision will be sent out by e-mail or regular mail in early December 2024. Those who have been accepted will be notified by letter and will receive further information on the submission of accepted works, sales procedures, etc.
Submission of accepted works will take place in January 2025.
The participant is responsible for packing and transporting his/her work to Liljevalchs as well as any transport insurance, as well as for the return transport after the end of the exhibition.
When selling the issued grants, Liljevalchs charges a commission of 30 percent. The sales price that you enter on the application form should therefore include the commission. You will be paid, less the sales commission, when the buyer/buyers have paid in full.
Information about the Spring Salon 2025 will be provided by Liljevalchs from Monday, August 26, Monday-Friday 9.00-12.00 by phone 08-508 31 330.
Facts and statistics
Here you will find facts and statistics about the Spring Salon, works, participants and visitor numbers over the years.