The next application period, for the Spring Salon 2025, opens at the end of August.
Who can apply for the Spring Salon?
Anyone who is a resident or long-term visitor to Sweden and was born in 2004 or earlier can apply for Vårsalongen 2023. Individuals as well as groups are welcome to apply.
Registration fee and registration form
Anmälningsavgiften är 400 kr och sätts in på Liljevalchs plusgirokonto 310 66-4. Märk talongen »Vårsalongen Namn Personnummer« eller betala direkt i den digitala ansökan. Under ansökningsperioden kan anmälningsblankett hämtas på Liljevalchs, beställas via vår telefonsvarare tel. 08-508 31 330, samt på de platser som listas nedan.
- Kulturhuset in Stockholm
- Malmö konsthall, S.t Johannesgatan 7, Malmö
- Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
- Gothenburg Museum of Art and Gothenburg Art Gallery, Götaplatsen
- Röhsska Museum, Vasagatan 37-39, Gothenburg
- Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala Castle, Entrance E, Uppsala
- Norrköping Museum of Art, Kristinaplatsen, Norrköping
- Vida museum, Halltorp, Borgholm
- Örnsköldsvik Art Gallery and Museum, Läroverksgatan 1, Örnsköldsvik
- Sundsvalls museum, Kulturmagasinet, Sundsvall
- Image Museum, Umeå University
Number of works for application
You can apply with a maximum of 5 entries, of which no more than 1 movie/animation. All works must be for sale. The works may not be more than three years old and preferably not have been exhibited before. Information on the price and number for sale (if the work is sold in circulation) is binding and cannot be changed retrospectively. The price should include everything that the buyer sees (i.e. including frame and the like) as well as Liljevalch's commission of 30 percent. The price you enter must be reasonable from an insurance and market point of view.
Application is made with a photograph of your work(s), do not send originals
Paper application
You do not apply with the objects/works themselves, but with photographs of them. It shall be paper copies in colour not exceeding A4 format.
NB! The paper application will be scanned to be shown digitally to the jury. The photographs must be accompanied by a complete completed registration form with your signature. Please note that the dimensions of the works must be stated, it is important information when the jury makes its selection.
This is how the entries should be labelled:
Name, address and number of the entry (according to the form, entry 1, 2, 3, etc.) should be written at the top of the back of the photograph. Films must be labelled with name and address, grant number and duration.
Digital application
Fr o m måndag 9 september kan du göra en helt digital ansökan . Vi ser gärna att du söker digitalt om du har möjlighet. Digitala ansökningar måste ha laddats upp den 17 oktober kl. 23.59.
The digital application can be found via this link.
Video work
If you are applying with a video work, please submit a USB flash drive in one of the formats .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .mov or upload as instructed in the digital application. Audio works must be in mp3 format. Successful applicants will be contacted for instructions on viewing formats. Your film may be screened in a film program with other artists. If you have an installation that cannot be shown in a programme, it is important to include a detailed description of how you would like the work to be shown in the application.
Photographs are not returned after assessment
The photographs are not returned to the sender, nor do we have the opportunity to preserve this material. If your contribution is included in the exhibition, one of the photographs is printed in the catalogue, but is not preserved. Submitting photographs and applications means that you give Liljevalch permission to publish the image(s) in the catalogue and on Liljevalch's website without compensation. This also means that you agree that the photograph is offered to the press for free publication in connection with the media coverage of Vårsalongen.
Media coverage in the form of TV coverage from Vårsalongen
If your contribution(s) are included in the exhibition, it also means that you agree that TV elements are made from the exhibition and can be shown without compensation as part of the media coverage of Vårsalongen.
Packing and transporting the works
The participant is responsible for packing and transporting his/her work to Liljevalchs as well as any transport insurance, as well as for the return transport after the end of the exhibition.
How to get paid when selling someone
When selling the issued grants, Liljevalchs charges a commission of 30 percent. The sales price that you enter on the application form should therefore include the commission. You will be paid, less the sales commission, when the buyer/buyers have paid in full.