Charlotta Bjälemark

Charlotta Bjälemark

Title: 62. Then it was demolished for the Stockholm bypass

Technique: acrylic and acrylic pens on masonite

Charlotta Bjälemark

I rediscovered my creative passion and enthusiasm when I studied to become a studio artist, a training course that focuses on working with children and art. Back to myself. To sense, almost like the sniffing of a hungry wolf; to embrace and then reshape.

The house-community feeling of belonging would disappear. We would be scattered to the wind. The heaviness in the chest and the fear of being forgotten. The impending loneliness. Maybe- loneliness. The uncertainty. A photograph was taken of me (by Anna Kranz). I laugh. The light is soft. It looks friendly. A performance, a one-man show to mask what is uncomfortable to show. Inside I shouted wordlessly and silently; "Don't forget me!".

When I saw the photograph, I found the inspiration to see behind the visible, a mood, the inside and the hidden. A vague feeling or something indefinable that is not visible to the eye. The dull, the wondering and the waiting. Is it possible to depict what is not visible?

Instagram: @lottakotta_

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