Marika Lindgren

Marika Lindgren

Title: 216. Time to return 3

Technique: photography on plexiglass

Marika Lindgren

It was dark and lonely. The place where I used to hang out, pick berries and go skiing. Now it was time to clear out my parents' house in Västerbotten. The October darkness was heavy. The wind caught loose objects that hit the wall. One evening I didn't want to stay alone in the house and searched frantically for the car keys with a flashlight. When I finally found them, I set off on the forest road. So many emotions rushed through me. Fear, relief, sadness. Stopped the car to capture the moment and the image that looked both soothing and terrifying at the same time.

When I take photos, I can be inspired by a mood or things I see in everyday life. It can be a moment in time or everyday things that make up a still life. I like to collect images around visual themes. Sometimes the inspiration comes from something I'm working on. Both consciously and unconsciously.

When I'm not photographing, I like to mix techniques such as printing, drawing, painting and photography. If I find material with a patina, I use it as a base.

Instagram: lindgren_marika

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